If you're a La Masia talent like Lamine or Cubarsi, are you more inspired by arguably the best midfielder in the club's history, who loves the club more than anything or Hansi Flick? When we string a couple of good passes but miss a chance, we see Xavi clapping from the sidelines. Xavi has his flaws, but we're supposed to expect one of the worst man managers in Flick, who doesn't speak Spanish or have the same respect for our club, to train our youngsters? A man who had one of the most disastrous spells at the Germany NT and has been jobless since? Yes he won the treble, but he played a feast/famine strategy, had prime Lewa and has Thomas Muller/Manuel Neuer to hold the young guys accountable. When we inevitably enter a rough patch, do you want your coach being passive-aggressive like this (let alone not speaking the same native language):


It is basically the offseason for us but when we were still playing in the champions league, and this sub had more traffic, the consensus was that Flick was one of the worst options for Barca coach. The purist football on youtube explained that his tactics did not fit our profiles at all and we certainly do not have the finances to make transfers to fit his style.

by Peeping_Cat


  1. How is he one of the worst man managers when every Bayern player reached his absolute peak level under him and gave 100% every match? Why the hyperbole

  2. >Xavi has his flaws, but we’re supposed to expect one of the worst man managers in Flick, who doesn’t speak Spanish or have the same respect for our club, to train our youngsters?

    A coach who became the second ever coach in the world after Pep to win a sextuple is somehow the worst man managers?

    What are you saying bro?

    All these Xavi defenders wtf…

    Xavi doesn’t deserve to be treated as he has been but it’s time to move on…that’s fact…

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