Brendan Rodgers Claims Celtic Would Easily Finish In The Premier League Top Six If They Left The SPL

by Road2Azrue


  1. CelticSensei on

    We obviously wouldn’t finish in the top 6 in our first season, but with Premier League revenue, and one of the biggest fan bases in the world, we could be top 6 within a few years.

    Would’nae be easy though!

  2. The transfer window would be the thing. Would we have a transfer window as an EPL team with EPL money? Even then likely no. I doubt top 6, not for a few years but it would be possible. If an EPL team in Manchester, Liverpool or London can do it, so can an EPL team in Glasgow.

  3. stilusmobilus on

    In time that would be a possibility, yes. Definitely have the supporter and potential revenue base.

  4. HesitatedEye on

    As a Celtic fan I say pish unless we are given 3 years revenue up front to spend on players. As others have said if we had the money for a few years I could see it.

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