Was Matz Sels worse than Matt Turner for Nottingham Forest?

by QuaPatetOrbis641988


  1. rebuiltburrito on

    I would say no, I personally felt more comfortable with him in goal regardless of individual stats but that’s just me

  2. Sarmerbinlar on

    You could show me a stat that said Turner saved every single shot on target and Sels let every one in and I’d still tell you Sels was a massive, MASSIVE upgrade on Turner.

    Turner caused the entire defence to constantly shit themselves every game. I’m not saying that Sels’ arrival turned the defence good overnight, but at least it never felt like we were one pass away from a defensive catastrophe. I’ve never seen a defence before so genuinely reluctant to pass to their keeper, sometimes to their own detriment. The errors that led to goals didn’t tell the full story with Turner, he looked like fucking up almost every single time he had the ball. This is compounded with how audibly the crowd would shit themselves every time he got the ball too.

    I would genuinely take one of the keepers from the League One days over having to watch Turner play for us again. The worst keeper I’ve seen play for Forest by a comfortable margin.

  3. Absolutely not, I never felt like he was an amazing goalkeeper, but he was always solid and did what was expected. Turner did have some amazing saves in him, but would give you a heart attack any time the ball went near his feet. We became so exposed at the back as teams could freely press us, knowing that if the ball went back to Turner, he would likely fuck up his pass or clearance.

    I literally can not think of any other reason that someone would defend Turner and say that he should be starting except national pride

  4. organfreeman36 on

    He more than passed the eye test. Saved everything you’d expect him to and the occasional shot you wouldn’t. The defence seemed far calmer with him in net. Didn’t make any absolute howlers with the ball at his feet either

  5. Three errors leading to goals compared to one is a massive difference in the premier league. However, the goals prevented stats are worrying for both, so we should be looking for a new keeper. I think it will be difficult to find a club that will buy turner after the season he’s had, and that will only be made worse for vlach, so I don’t know where the money for a new keeper will come from.

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