Man Utd and Bayern on high alert as Pochettino leaves Chelsea

by fa_football


  1. Poch going from Chelsea to Man Utd would be jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.

  2. Golden-Event-Horizon on

    This might be the first summer ever where the manager signings are more interesting/highly anticipated than the player signings are

  3. AtahualpaSan on

    Man United chose EtH over Poch 2 years ago. Doubt they’ll go back to him. I think EtH stays

  4. Ten Hag stays for now.

    Get rid of the junk, give him a proper structure to work with.

    If he still doesn’t improve, then get rid.

  5. Onepackfatness on

    Are they really that much different in their styles? Both aren’t aggressive in their approach

  6. SprinklesExpert7009 on

    Imagine Solskjær just got fired and we need a new manager.

    Out of the available managers, I’d still take ETH.

    Let’s give him another season.

  7. opinionated-dick on

    On high alert? The use of language regarding football rumours is almost as bad and cliched as estate agent’s house for sale summaries.

    Can imagine a plane flying overhead with Potch’s face looping above their stadiums, while Man Utd and Bayern execs scramble to train fog lights on him, ready for his potential incursion.

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