Kylian Mbappé confirms that his season has taken a definitive turn since announcing his departure to his managers on February 13

by n3w57ake


  1. Specialist-Cycle9313 on

    I mean it’s been obvious. He was olaying incredibly well before that, and although he played well after that it just wasn’t the same.

  2. Banana_rammna on

    I get the overwhelming feeling Kylian is the type of person that believes nothing is his fault ever. Thank you for everything you’ve given the club, I’m glad you and your family are about to become someone else’s problem.

  3. Additional-Paint-274 on

    Weren’t y’all cheering Lucho on for benching him? Did you think his rhythm was gonna be the same after making him miss pre-season and benching him are you really surprised that it affected him

  4. snowbuddy117 on

    Feels about time to say Neymar wasn’t the only one at fault in this club, and he did at least carry PSG to a final. Happy to see the club has a better project that is not about buying galacticos, it has far better chances at succeeding.

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