[Daily Mail Online] Pictured: Schoolboy Daniel Anjorin, 14, killed in Hainault sword attack – as friend pays tribute to football-loving Arsenal supporter who made people ‘smile when he walked into the room’

by Previous_Smile9278


  1. shockzz123 on

    14th min, should do an applause for him against Bournemouth. Rest his young soul.

  2. COYG_Gooner on

    Heartbreaking. How many more people will have to die until things get better? I don’t know the solution, and I won’t act like I know better than anyone else, but current situation is not a good one.

    Rest in peace, too young of an age to die.

  3. redditforprez1 on

    Tragic. Is knife violence a huge problem in the UK? I know arsenal runs that campaign with the white kits but was curious as an American. We have unchecked gun violence here so curious what knife violence looks like in a place with more gun regulation

  4. CuclGooner on

    a sword attack? There’s just people fucking running around london with swords? terrifying stuff

  5. LibranJamess on

    Rest in peace little one. Also thoughts going to the other three people the swordsman attacked. It’s still unclear what the motive was.. 14 years old.

  6. Arsenal should wear black armbands and do a minutes silence for Daniel. The poor lad just walking to school and he’s murdered by a psycho.

  7. Onlyheretostare on

    Watched a small clip of the suspect with the sword, he looked like he was on drugs.

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